Movies (Technical) –
Power Pretensioner

This series of eight movies was constructed on the basis of physical models of the seat belt retractors and notes taken by myself in meetings with client’s engineers.
The systems were described to me by the responsible engineers at the client’s development centre in Ulm, Germany and I was given seat belt retractors to use as the basis for the 3D models, which were constructed by myself and various members of my team. .
On returning to Bayliss Graphics, I typed my notes into approximations of the texts I planned to speak.
These notes were then sent to the individual engineers by email to check that I had understood and described the functions of the seat belt units correctly.
On receiving the OK for the texts, I discussed the animations and modeling of the parts with my team.
I was responsible for the animation storyboards of the movies, some 3D construction and animation, together with the written texts, which I later spoke and recorded onto the movies.
I adjusted my speech during voice recording of the english versions, which were spoken for better clarity for german speaking audiences. A german member of my staff spoke the german texts.
The movies were accepted by the individual engineers with only minimal adjustments.
The original movies were produced only in 320×240 pixel resolution, due to rendering constraints and my customer’s equipment for playback in the year 2000.
The music „Follow design“ was composed by Mel O´Dee – Heiko Klüh: