Bayliss Graphics

Ideas made visible

Show your ideas in their best light
technical illustrations
3D animations for pre-prototyping and studies
complete concepts for internal and external presentations

Technical Documentation

For the record. Never be forgotten.

2D and 3D Visualization & Documentation

Clear illustrations allow a faster and deeper understanding of functions and assembly processes.

Concept Visualization

Show your value. Fascinate.

2D and 3D Concept Visualization

I will create optimal views to illustrate your concepts effectively.

Video, Production

Let your ideas, move you.

Video Production

To weld the video together, a well considered storyboard is essential for comprehension and to maintain the attention of the viewer.

Spoken, Annotation

Tell your story. Captivate.

Spoken Annotation

To accompany the action, I will write the dialog and speak the explanations of concepts

This will underscore the animations in liaison with and on behalf of your engineers

Please don't hesitate to contact me.